Monday, April 23, 2012

Does SIZE Really Affect our Performance at Work?

*I opted to use TAGLISH for this blog to show reactions.. hihihi*

Hi Ladies! I went out with friends today and had "meryenda" at Brothers Burger. So there we were chatting and remembering the past "kalokohan" we did at work. I asked them what's new with our company (name will remain unknown for legal purposes!), and my friend said "alam mo ba girl may exercise program to target BMI and weight para sa mga staff sa clinic ngayon, kasi sabi ni (president's name), pag malaki daw unhappy daw and hindi productive sa work." I was like HHUUWAATTT! "Ano hindi ah! whaat! Excuuuussseee me ha!!"  I really could not hide my shock. Not to be the rebel ex-employee but though I'm not a lawyer, I think there's a law against that type of discrmination. Ok calming down now...... There's nothing wrong with wanting the employees to be healthy but saying that being FAT makes a person unhappy and unproductive is seriously seriously a no no.

I think being FAT is NEVER a problem in terms of productivity, talent, and worth.Here's a rundown..

The sexiest woman of all time was
a size 16 during the peak of her career.
OPRAH - Perhaps the most Infuential Person of our time
 never seize to help others despite her "weight"

Santa Clause - Let's not forget him! Productivity wise,
 I think he has the toughest job of all, and weight never stopped
him from doing his job ALL AROUND THE WORLD! hehehe =)

Now look around your work area, do you think FAT PEOPLE are the only ones unhappy or not productive at all?! Are they the only ones like that or are there some people who are not PLUS SIZE yet they slow down the workforce as well?

Let's all be honest when it comes to productivity in the workforce, weight and size should not be a label. Its all about how we present ourselves and how we push ourselves above the standards. I think these companies should re-evaluate their perception and really look into what makes their employees unproductive and unhappy. Because I'm sure WEIGHT is not it.

Consider Self -Esteem for one. Everyone has it, fat, thin, gay, lesbians, even the "normal" ones! The bosses should realize that a simple praise, gesture of respect and recognition makes an employee feel appreciated thus increasing her self esteem, then her productivity and ending up being happy (at work or home!)

To round it up, I think its just wrong to generalize that just because you're heavy, you're unhappy and not productive and not even your boss nor company has the right to say so! In reality, everybody, despite their weight, is having a hard time at work and personal life sometimes. To get pass this, we should:

* Accept who and what you are. In doing so, what others say will not matter 'coz you know the truth about yourself and you accept it.

* Learn to overcome insecurities and turn it into positive.
* See ourselves as to how God created us, PERFECT HUMAN BEINGS!



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